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Seek The Joy Podcast is your go-to podcast for heartfelt storytelling and conversations on all things self-love, joy, connection, empowerment, wellness, and spirituality. 

inspired by our ongoing journey toward growth, empowerment, and self-love, every episode offers a fresh perspective, “aha!” moments, laughs, stories and wisdom that will stick with you throughout the week.

Join Sydney, hit SUBSCRIBE, and let's #SeekTheJoy Together - Every Tuesday!





Hey! My name is Sydney Weiss and I'm the creator, host, producer and joy seeker behind Seek The Joy Podcast. 

Seek The Joy Podcast is an idea I dreamt up in September 2017 while I was waiting for California Bar Results. It was the second time I sat for the exam (p.s. I passed! Hallelujah!) and I was sitting in my apartment reflecting on the last year. The woman I saw in the mirror staring back at me was different. She was calmer, kinder to herself, and happier. She was no longer the panicked negative self-talker she was a year ago.

I should probably rewind a little bit. In 2016 I had a slew of health issues - from shingles to appendicitis - and when you couple that with graduating from law school and sitting for the CA bar exam, and not passing, I was a mess. Okay - maybe that's a little harsh (or a lot harsh!) but I just didn’t feel like me anymore. When I found out I didn't pass the bar exam in November 2016 the negative self-talk I’ve carried with me throughout my life got worse. I was in a space of shame, anger, and embarrassment, and months of not listening to my body, running myself ragged, and being down right mean to myself took its toll. 

I could go into more detail about what that year was like, and what brought me here, but in true podcaster fashion I'm going to include the link here to listen to my episode, The Comeback Kid where I break it all down (it's one of my favs, so definitely check it out!)

While staring at myself in the mirror in September 2017, I remember experiencing this moment of inspiration - it was like a lightbulb went off. I knew I wanted to start a conversation and create a way to connect with others who had similar stories and experiences. I wanted to build a community and a space to share personal stories, explore our joy, and learn and grow through stepping into our vulnerability, courage, and reconnecting to our authentic voice. The rest, is sort of history.


On Seek The Joy Podcast we're opening the door to what's possible 

Our Motto: Be Love. Seek Joy. Follow Your Light Within.

When I started Seek The Joy Podcast in 2017, I had no idea what it would evolve into. Today, it’s not just a podcast - it’s a community! From the episodes you hear on Seek The Joy, to Joy Corner and our sister podcast Stories of Inspiring Joy, I have no doubt there’s a story (or two) that you’ll enjoy and resonate with.

On Seek The Joy we’re exploring our joy mission statement, something I like to call our joy blueprint. The thing is, it’s up to us to uncover what brings us joy! My hope is that this podcast and this community will encourage you to step outside of your comfort zone, take a risk, and have the courage to follow your passions.

The past four years have taken me on an incredible and transformative journey. This community is just getting started, and I’m so excited to continue this journey of connection, love, and joy with you. I’d love to get to know you and what brought you to Seek The Joy. Come hang out and join our community by connecting with us on Instagram Facebook and Twitter.

Thank you for joining me on this journey back to our joy, connection, and that light within that is just dying for us to tune back into it and let it shine.

With love, joy and a whole of gratitude.

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