Debby Krusz - Dream Pollinator

Debby Krusz

After being Dream Crushed by Corporate America, Debby listened to the voice within that said "Leave this place and start writing!" Debby Krusz also known as Kruszewski, is the published Author of Soul Meets Body, Precious and Fragile Things and Live to Tell. My fourth novel, Date with Kate, is in process. All her novels are about following your heart. In addition to her novels, she has an Inspirational Blog. 

I’m excited for you to connect with Debby, check out her work and impact, and follow along as she continues to help others listen to their heart and pursue their dreams.

I'd love it if you'd introduce yourself, what you do, and what you're working on.

After being Dream Crushed by Corporate America, I listened to the voice within that said "Leave this place and start writing!" I am Debby Krusz also known as Kruszewski. I am the published Author of Soul Meets Body, Precious and Fragile Things and Live to Tell. My fourth novel, Date with Kate, is in process. All my novels are about following your heart. In addition to my novels, I have an Inspirational Blog.

I am a Certified Dream Manager Coach and Business Consultant.

I am a survivor of crushed Dreams and an expert in Dream rescue. If your Dream is a long-buried seed or a squashed bud, I’m here to help you replant it, nurture it, and bring it to full bloom!

My program is ideal for employers who want to make an investment in their employees by making them the most successful version of themselves. Your employee morale will rise, productivity will increase, and turnover will decrease as a result of this Dream Pollination. My program is a great fit for businesses of any size.

I am building my business and brand, helping others listen to their heart and pursue their dreams.

How did you get started?

I was not living the life that felt right to me. I was not living my life in faith. Once I started to listen to the voice within me, I knew that it was God talking to me. He told me to just start writing and He will take care of the rest. I started to write and wrote three novels in nine months.

What Inspired the work you’re doing?

By writing and helping others follow what is on their heart is completely satisfying and keeps me inspired to bring on new aspects on how to give more to people and closer to what is on my heart.

What is your biggest passion? Do you feel like you're living your passion and purpose?

My passion is my purpose. Talking about following your heart and running my Dream Manager program to help others ignite the fire within them and become the best version of themselves. It brings me closer to my relationship with God and brings me closer to the Dreams in my heart.

What is your joy blueprint? What lights you up, brings you joy, and makes you feel the most alive?

The fact that I am still alive brings me joy. To know that I am loved and protected each day. I pray and meditate each day and make sure I surround myself with good people that bring me joy and enrich me with positive vibes.

How do you live intentionally? Are there tools/resources/practices that you rely on to help you stay mindful and grounded?

I live in prayer and faith as best as I can each day. I belong to many prayer groups that keep me grounded and is a good mindset. I get myself to the gym to stay in shape and keep me in good health. I no longer have time for false agendas and live in my truth and tell it like it is.

What would your younger self think about what you're doing now?

I believe my younger self would be very proud of the person I have become and encourage me to keep going. I keep a picture of my younger self on my dresser and talk to her every day.

Do you have a go-to mantra or affirmation?

I NEVER GIVE UP there is always another way, no means-not right now. You can always recalculate.

What is your biggest dream?

Right now, my biggest Dream is to get married and start a family. There was a time that I believed I didn’t deserve it, but now that I am listening to my heart, I can feel my future husband is coming and when it is the right time he will be there.

To connect with Debby and learn more check out her website and on social media @debbykrusz

Joy Corner is an interview-style blog series brought to you by Seek The Joy Podcast. Our mission continues to be a desire to share your stories, truths, joys and inspiration in your words. We invite you to join our corner, and share your joys, passions, and moments of inspiration as we continue to seek the joy, together. Join this series here

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