Dena Rae - Intuitive Energy Healer and Founder Wisdom Healings

Dena Rae


Dena Rae is an intuitive energy healer and life purpose life coach, with a background as a creative director and teacher. In working with her clients 1:1, she’s blended energy healing and intuitive guidance to help them along on their journey, feel empowered and gain clarity on moving forward.

Wisdom Healings is an answer to a soul calling to help those who struggle with understanding how to get what they really want in life. For all those who want to transform into who they really are but fear the unknown.

As Dena has moved through life, it took many hard years to break through her own fears and generational conditioning to take action on her soul calling of being a healer. Today, she helps guide her clients through their own unique process to blossom and walk through their own personal portal to transition to who they’ve always wanted to be.

With a unique blend of intuitive theta guidance and energy medicine as Healing Touch for the framework, Dena has combined a unique blend to bring the unknown to be known and shed light of insight and inspiration for you. These become your tools to work with and empower yourself to be your unique magical superhuman and walk this earth in your intended power. Through working with Dena, together you remove blocks and outdated mindsets to be replaced with new clarity and balanced energy.  By simply letting go and letting the guidance in, amazing results can happen.  When we ask for help, the answers reveal themselves.

I’m so excited for you to connect with Dena check out her work, and follow along as she continues to lead with an open heart and open mind to work with others as we transform into our greatest power together.

I'd love it if you'd introduce yourself, what you do, and what you're working on.

Hello! My name is Dena Rae and I’m an intuitive energy healer and life purpose life coach, with a background as a creative director and teacher. In working with my clients 1:1, I’ve blended energy healing and intuitive guidance to help them along on their journey, feel empowered and gain clarity on moving forward.

Currently, I’ve designed a program to help guide my clients to deepen their intuition by understanding how to tap into their own wisdom. Through understanding emotions, beliefs and the body, all our wisdom is held within us.

How did you get started?

I’ve always had a calling towards religious and spiritual pursuits and felt a strong pull towards energy medicine and intuitive work. During a prayer service, I heard the soul calling - a voice came in and asked me to be a healer. I accepted with a whole heart and no idea where to start. That’s the beauty of co-creation, it didn’t really matter what type of healer I would choose to be, as long as I walk this path. The details of what I do are for my enjoyment and pleasure as I get to personally experience this life and work with spirit in co-creating. The intuitive guidance is clear and in line with my unique skills that I’m able to put out in the world. It’s truly a beautiful blend of being in alignment and following the guidance into the unknown.

What inspired the work that you're doing?

The program I’m launching was inspired by my clients in a way to provide structure, self-exploration, community and guidance while they get hands-on in making changes and transitioning into a more authentic and intuitive life. It’s also from a life-long exploration of my own personal insights on how we operate and want to share what I’ve learned and built a framework for my clients to practice it with the right support.

What is your biggest passion? Do you feel like you're living your passion and purpose?

Helping people break through their blocks and stuck energy to move into a life filled with empowerment and clarity. Helping people understand what limits them and work with them to reframe their mindsets that work for them now. And to help remove any feelings of guilt or shame or other emotions that make it hard to change. To be able to hold a sacred space and be a guide and witness the personal journey of someone.

What is your joy blueprint? What lights you up, brings you joy, and makes you feel the most alive?

When I’m following through with the guidance and intuition I hear. Being in the present moment and finding the joy in whatever I’m doing. Holding space for another to help them evolve and grow. Feeling gratitude for each and every moment. And learning how to reflect deeper with the divine and gain insight.

How do you live intentionally? Are there tools/resources/practices that you rely on to help you stay mindful and grounded?

My way of living intentionally is bringing the sacred in the present and being grateful in each and every moment. When life is filled with purpose, fulfilling the action behind the divine intuitive guidance becomes intoxicating. My tools are simple. I sit and listen. It can be in the car, the shower, listening to music or in total silence. I ask for guidance and I listen for the answer. And I’m open for it to come in any form that crosses my path as they’re all gifts from the divine, communicating through numbers and symbols, words, animals, clouds, anything that I can interpret. Morning journaling /mindset work has also been a helpful companion to sort through my mental mess quickly and get to declarations and decisions to move forward.

What would your younger self think about what you're doing now?

I would think my younger self would be pleasantly surprised at what’s been accomplished and what’s ahead of us. If my younger self could see what I’m doing now, it would have given her much more rest and relaxation and what to let go of. She would probably want to get started even sooner if she had understood the magnitude of what she is capable of.

Do you have a go-to mantra or affirmation? 

“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” - Aristotle. This statement is a foundational point that I’m building a practice and educational programs around. Ways to empower oneself to deepen their relationship with themselves and their inner guidance. 

Mantra 1 - “It’s all working.” This statement is to remind me to be gentle with myself and that mistakes are necessary and part of the journey. And that as long as I’m committed and keep going, it really is all working out for my highest good.

Mantra 2 - “There is enough time for everything.” - This one is when I’m stressed about managing it all. When I’m honest with myself about what’s achievable in the moment and prioritize accordingly. It’s also a way for me to bend time and space being in the moment with complete focus that lets me get what I need done, faster. And everything really does get done in time.

What is your biggest dream?

To be involved with the education of the general population on the basic understandings of how energetics work when applied to the body, mind and spirit. To help create a physician that encompasses these tools to help the general public and is regarded with integrity as a reputable way to care for wellness. To help empower individuals to feel in control of their life.

To learn more about Dena and her work visit her website and on Instagram @wisdom_healings Facebook @wisdomhealings and via email

Joy Corner is an interview-style blog series brought to you by Seek The Joy Podcast. Our mission continues to be a desire to share your stories, truths, joys and inspiration in your words. We invite you to join our corner, and share your joys, passions, and moments of inspiration as we continue to seek the joy, together. Join this series here

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