Gia Duke - Life Coach, Speaker, Author, "Get Your Heart On: The How-To Guide for People Who Want to Make a Difference"

Gia Duke


Gia Duke is a life coach, speaker and author with a heart 10x the size of Texas, so some have said. Not to mention a podcaster, nonprofit founder, and foster youth and rescue pup advocate. She’s also the author of Get Your Heart On: The How-To Guide for People Who Want to Make a Difference.

A passionate humanitarian and advocate for nonprofit and charity work, Gia has raised both awareness and funds, secured grants for and founded a nonprofit for foster youth, and has worked directly with animal rescue organizations. She has raised thousands of dollars and contributed hundreds of hours to causes in her community and across the globe.

Through her work as a podcaster, speaker, facilitator, and creator of the Revolution Super Love movement, she is on a mission to brighten the world through creating more love, compassion, and understanding.

I’m so excited for you guys to connect with Gia, check out her work, and follow along as she continues to help people, who want to help people, take action to make a difference in the world.

I'd love it if you'd introduce yourself, what you do, and what you're working on.

Of course! Hi! I’m Gia Duke.

If you were standing in front of me, I’d probably give you a big hug, ‘cuz I’m a super hugger. (with permission of course:)) And then I’d ask you what drives you, what inspires you, and what makes you feel alive. Most importantly, I’d ask you what kind of difference you want to make in the world and how I can help. 

In a nutshell, I help people who want to help people. Is that you? :)

I’m also driven to inspire people to think about how we’re all connected and to remind them that most of us really want the same things. To love and be loved. To feel like we matter. 

I’m a life coach, author and humanitarian with a heart 10x the size of Texas, some have said. Not to mention a podcaster, nonprofit founder, and foster youth and rescue pup advocate. (Oh, and a night owl, rain lover, and super giggler hee-hee.)

I also wrote a help-help book. Did you catch that? It’s called, Get your Heart On - The How-To Guide for People Who Want to Make a Difference. And today I’m super excited because I just kicked off my podcast with the same name! Insert happy dance meme here! Come on over, tune in and please say hi!

I grew up in Bremerton, WA a Pacific Northwest girl, but currently live in the heart of San Francisco. When I’m not at home, you might find me on a road trip with my husband Justin, our son, Tobin and our rescue pup, Blaze in our VW van, lovingly, named Rust-ell.

How did you get started?

It’s pretty much been the story of my life… so I’ll do my best to sum it up for you. 

I’ve spent many sleepless nights (let’s be honest . . . ​years​) thinking about all of the pain in the world. I’d imagine all the people or animals who were sick, struggling, or hanging on with hope or grasping for just one small break. I had no idea what to do or how to help. Man, that was hard. 

I spent a large portion of my life runnin' around from cause to cause doing whatever I  could to help. To advocate. Raise funds. Spread the word, cheer on, or hold hands. ​I became the rescue girl.​ ​But there were too many causes that needed support and only one me. I felt like I couldn’t help fast enough and no matter what I did there was always so much more work to be done.  

I wouldn't change a thing but as some of you might have guessed, over time I started to feel run down, exhausted and hopeless. There was definitely no light at the end of the tunnel and it was a long, lonely ride. 

I finally decided that the best way I could make a difference was to focus my energy on the  give-back work I was most passionate about at the time. For me that meant advocating for foster youth, helping rescue animals, and raising money and contributing my time to support  causes that spoke to me.  

Eventually, I started to help other people to pinpoint a cause and get started with their heart-work. People who also wanted to make a difference in their own way, but skip the part about burnout and struggle.

Which is why I wrote the book and now I’m starting the podcast with the same name, Get your Heart On. To help more people who want to help people.

I’m happy to say I no longer feel like the solo rescue girl, because I learned I don’t have to keep moving forward all on my own. I finally figured out we can do it together and make an even bigger impact on the world. And that feels amazing.

What inspired the work that you're doing?

Compassion, empathy, and love have always been my driver. Heart First. That’s how I roll. 

I’ve always loved being around different kinds of people and hanging in different crowds. I often imagine what it might feel like to stand in someone’s shoes and if they’re not doing okay it stays with me. I know in my heart that we're not meant to be alone and that we all need each other. 

A long time ago I gave my mom and dad a plaque, with a quote that says, "Because you believed in me, I believed in me." So simple and so powerful. 

We all need someone to believe in our ideas, our hearts, and who we are without having to change a thing. Sometimes, we just need to know that someone believes in us when we find it hard to believe in ourselves.

Psst… I believe in you.

What is your biggest passion? Do you feel like you're living your passion and purpose?

My biggest passion is living a life without regrets, going after my dreams no matter how crazy they might seem, spending time with friends that fuel me and making sure the people I care about never doubt how much I love them. 

And if you haven’t guessed by now, nothing fires me up more than being in a room full of big-hearted people who wanna’ make a difference in the world. To continue to share stories that connect us. To help as many people as possible to care more and then DO even just a little bit more, to create more love, compassion and understanding in the world. 

Yes, I feel most definitely like I’m living my passion and purpose. And I feel like I’m just getting warmed up.

What is your joy blueprint? What lights you up, brings you joy, and makes you feel the most alive?

Oh, so many things...and one of my fav questions to ask!

LIGHTS ME UP! // Headphones on, tunes turned up, getting my boogie on! 3.2.1. HIT IT! Boy Bands all the way baby! Super bonus if it’s raining! 

BRINGS ME JOY // My snuggle pup Blaze, watching my son play lacrosse or do what he loves, family movie nights, playing board games with friends, hearing my husband’s laugh. Late nights and sleeping in, taking photos and recording memories. Street artists and happy lights, hanging out in a cozy coffee shop sippin’ on a warm mocha watching the world go by. 


Road Trips, holding hands, sharing stories and laughing so hard that no sound comes out of my mouth. Dreaming big dreams, being out of my comfort zone and then doing something I wasn’t sure how I was gonna make it happen. Travel, culture, mini getaways and camping in our VW van. Looking up at the night sky and realizing that people from around the world see the same moon that I do. Spending time with people that care about one another, where you can just be yourself and feel the warmth and connection.

How do you live intentionally? Are there tools/resources/practices that you rely on to help you stay mindful and grounded?

During my mom’s almost ten year memory loss journey, I really learned what it looked and felt like to live in the moment. To be here now as they say.  And I have an even greater appreciation of what truly matters to me. When I start to feel caught up in my head, I remind myself it’s no big deal. I probably just need to take a minute to pause and circle back to doing more of what helps to re-fuel me. Here are a few of my daily sometimes weekly routines/rituals that I love.

  • Motivation Cards - I draw one every morning.

  • Guided Meditation - I love having music and one thing to focus on.

  • Going for walks with Blaze (my pup)

  • Being in nature, listening to the sounds, the birds, the quiet - It makes me feel connected.

  • Creating magazine collages, scrapbooking, or doing puzzles - I love making something with my hands. 

  • Moving my booty! - Dancing, jogging, kickbox, stretching

  • Spending time with good friends - laughing, catching up, checking in

What would your younger self think about what you're doing now?

The little me who loved animals, wanted to fly on the trapeze and join the circus and used to write jingles for commercials and sing them with passion into my mom's tape recorder would most definitely say, “Go Bigger!”

The college me who used to say that I wanted to be a spokesperson for a company that was making a difference, would say, “Duh!”

And the ten years ago me who’d been through a lot of hard times and made it to the other side would say, “Fuck yeah, girl! You’re doin’ it!”

Do you have a go-to mantra or affirmation?

One Shot. Make it Matter (this is the tag of my brand) And I have the word, “Matter” tattooed on the top of my wrist.

What is your biggest dream?

For everyone in the world to feel like they matter and to have someone that believes in them. 

And for all rescue animals to have a forever home.

More love. More love. More love. 

To bring together kickass big-hearted people from all over the world for a Get Your Heart On L-I-V-E event!  You’d come right?! And then to take it on the road! Beep! Beep! Anyone want to produce my TV show? 

And while we’re dreamin’ just for fun: To guest star on SNL + Dance on Broadway +  ride across the country on a motorcycle.

To learn more about Gia and her work you can visit her website and you can find her book, GET YOUR HEART ON® // THE BOOK here her podcast here and on Instagram @giaduke and Facebook @giadukeproductions

Joy Corner is an interview-style blog series brought to you by Seek The Joy Podcast. Our mission continues to be a desire to share your stories, truths, joys and inspiration in your words. We invite you to join our corner, and share your joys, passions, and moments of inspiration as we continue to seek the joy, together. Join this series here

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