Karen Struck - Author, "Three Paws"

Karen Struck

Karen Struck Headshot.jpg

Karen Struck is the author of the new children’s book, Three Paws. Karen shares the story of Boots, a grizzly bear cub who faces new struggles after permanently injuring his paw. Rooted in friendship and acceptance, Boots’ journey of learning new skills as he navigates his disability as told through Three Paws is perfect for young children, whether they are learning to survive their own challenge or simply to understand those who may appear “different”.

No matter our background, we can all relate to Boots and his story: one of perseverance and never giving up on our dreams, even if the odds are stacked against us. Boots’ adventures in Three Paws encourages children to be bold and make new friends, all while allowing themselves the room to grow and learn new things. It promotes the importance of both independence and inclusivity, and how both together can function to provide acceptance, encouragement, and positive growth for a child.

Karen’s goal is to create unique, and entertaining characters who inspire children to dream big dreams, to focus on the positive aspects of their lives. She discovered the joy of children's literature as she read to her daughter each night. She was inspired by the Harry Potter book series, and decided to take writing courses through the Institute of Children's Literature. Three Paws is the first book published in the Three Paws Series. Karen is also a registered nurse and works in the aesthetic industry, performing laser treatments combined with injectables for skin rejuvenation. She works with her husband, Steve, a plastic surgeon in Atherton, California. Residing in Los Gatos, California, Karen has a daughter named Rachel and two stepchildren, Danni and Evan Struck.

I’m so excited for you guys to connect with Karen, check out his new children’s book, and follow along as she continues to encourage children to dream big, stick together in the face of bullying and support one another to overcome life’s challenges, and stay positive.

I'd love it if you'd introduce yourself, what you do, and what you're working on.

My name is Karen Struck.  I’m a registered nurse and a new children’s author.  I currently work with my husband, Steve, a plastic surgeon in Atherton, CA.  I have my own practice alongside my husband. I offer skin rejuvenation treatments which include the injection of dermal fillers and neurotoxins as well as laser therapy.

I’m currently working on a five-book series for children ages four to eight; The Three Paws picture book series.  Book one, Three Paws, was published April 30, 2019 by Page Publishing.  Book two, Three Paws’ New Family, is currently being illustrated.  I anticipate its publication in the Spring of 2020 or earlier.  Each new book will offer new characters and a new theme.  

How did you get started?

I developed an interest in children’s literature as I read to my daughter each night.  During her elementary school years, I would find myself continuing to read her books even after she fell asleep. I appreciated their subtle, compassionate messages that resonated with me. My favorite book series to date is Harry Potter. The entire fantasy world of Harry Potter and his friends felt like an escape from my reality. J.K. Rowling’s descriptive writing and attention to every detail made me feel as if I were on the same fantastical journey right along with her main characters. What a gift and what an extraordinary imagination!  J.K. Rowling is an inspiration!

What inspired the work that you're doing?

About twelve years ago I had this yearning to write a children’s picture book. Those thoughts continued for about a month as I contemplated returning to school to enroll in a writing course.  Out of the blue, I received a pamphlet in the mail from the Institute of Children’s Literature introducing guided, mentored study and training in writing for children.  What perfect timing!  I enrolled in two semester courses.  My mentor, a published author, critiqued my assignments.  Three Paws was originally titled, “Promises,” and my mentor wrote across the top of my title page, “Submit for Publication.”  At that time, I was in the middle of a divorce, and put my story aside…for 12 years!  However, I never lost my desire to publish my story.  I remarried three years ago, and my husband has been very supportive in all that I do. He suggested I submit it to a publishing company.  So, I decided to tweak my story a bit and change my title from “Promises” to Three Paws. I gave my main character, a grizzly bear cub, a disability, hoping to instill a sense of compassion in him as he encounters an injured goat.  As a first-time author, it’s hard to get published.  After a couple of months of procrastination, I submitted my manuscript to Page Publishing.

I was inspired to write Three Paws during an Alaskan cruise.  I needed to come up with another one of my many writing assignments.  As the cruise ship floated through the misty fjords of Alaska, passing steep cliffs dotted with mountain goats, the naturalist on board offered some wildlife facts.  The naturalist pointed to the mountain goats congregating along the top of the cliffs and said the very young, very sick and elderly goats sometimes lose their footing on loose gravel.  They lose their balance and roll down the mountain to the riverbank where the bears, wolves, and coyotes like to hang out.  Often, the goats are alive, but injured, and unable to return to the top of the cliff.  The bears, wolves and coyotes will eat them alive or drag them to their dens to enjoy later. This sad story inspired me to turn this wildlife reality into a story of hope, perseverance and friendship. In other words, a happy ending.  The reason I love children’s picture books is because they must have a happy or satisfying ending. Wouldn’t we all like to have a happy ending to our life story?  

What is your biggest passion? Do you feel like you're living your passion and purpose?

My biggest passion is to inspire children to turn any challenge into an opportunity for personal growth and to reach for their dreams no matter what obstacles they face.  My Three Paws story is symbolic of keeping your dreams alive, pursuing whatever path leads in the direction of those dreams, even if it involves several baby steps toward achieving your goals.  I have a stuffed animal bear created in the image of my main character from the cover of my book. My stuffed bear is holding his right fisted paw in the air; a fist pump symbolic of personal achievement, growth, happiness and pride.  I feel I am always striving to live my life with passion and purpose.  It’s a process for me.   However, once I achieve one dream, I dream another dream.  If I stop creating new goals for myself, then I stop living a life of purpose. Every night as I lay my head upon my pillow, I quiet my mind and offer appreciation for my husband, our children, my sweet patients, my health, my beautiful home and our incredible views of nature plus so much more.  My list is endless!  

What is your joy blueprint? What lights you up, brings you joy, and makes you feel the most alive?

What is my joy blueprint?  Gratitude! I’m very grateful I was born in the United States.  It’s easy to take things for granted until you see how other people live around the world.  Personally, I am grateful for all that I have become, and the opportunities that continue to lead to my personal growth. I feel most alive when I’m doing something I love.  I feel my purpose is to make people feel good about themselves. I do that through my injections, through my conversations with my patients and through my writing.  What really excites me is the idea of one day giving up my nursing practice and just enjoying my life, exercising, hiking, reading good books and writing stories. I truly believe what you put out into the world comes back to you.  We are all unique. I feel each and every one of us has something valuable to offer.  Something as simple as being a “good listener” could be extremely valuable, especially to someone who may be contemplating suicide and needs to be heard.  No talent we offer others is too small or too inconsequential.   We are all creators of our own life experience, so following the Golden Rule is advantageous in all that we do.  “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

How do you live intentionally? Are there tools/resources/practices that you rely on to help you stay mindful and grounded?

Living a grounded or mindful life can be a challenge during my hectic days. I love the outdoors, and my yard has a fabulous walking path around the perimeter of our property.  During my walks, I listen to a variety of inspirational and motivational podcasts on YouTube. My favorites include Wayne Dyer, Louise Hay, Oprah, Abraham/Hicks and Brene Brown. They are ripe with empowering messages that seem to lighten my mood and inspire me to reach for better feeling thoughts when I’m feeling overwhelmed.  Some days I prefer to commune with nature and simply appreciate the beauty of all that surrounds me.  Often, I put my feet up, and relax into a good book.  I currently have two books by my bedside that I find inspirational:  Change Your Thoughts-Change Your Life by Wayne Dyer and The Seat of the Soul by Gary Zukav.  I feel I live a life of mindfulness when I’m alone, at home, enjoying my living space and appreciating the life I am living.

What would your younger self think about what you're doing now?

If my younger self could see me now, she would be so proud.  Back in grade school, I used to watch a TV drama titled, “Julia,” starring Diane Carroll.  She portrayed a nurse, a patient advocate and a single mom on the show. “Julia” exemplified everything good about humanity.

She was inspirational in so many ways. She was the best mom, the best nurse, the best patient advocate, yet she revealed her struggles and challenges too. She was very compassionate and always helping others. I knew in grade school I wanted to become a nurse all because of “Julia.”  Younger me would say, Great job!  I knew you could do it!

Do you have a go-to mantra or affirmation?

I have two favorite mantras I use every day.  As I drive to work, I will say to myself, I pray to be a blessing to others, and I may be blessed in return.  My second mantra I usually express during times of stress.  I say, Things always have a way of working out for me.  I have a deck of positive affirmation cards and will occasionally flip through them, reading the affirmations aloud or silently.

What is your biggest dream?

Personally, My biggest dream is to continue to live a happy and fulfilled life with my husband.  Secondly, I hope to inspire others to live their best life by facing their fears, overcoming their challenges, and practicing more self- love.  I would also love to see my Three Paws series made into a movie one day.  Finally, my biggest dream is to continue to dream new dreams, write new books, and inspire others to live their dream.  We all deserve to be happy and “seek joy” in our lives.

Globally, I pray the world can live in peace with more compassion toward others.  I’m not sure that is an “achievable” goal, but at least I’m putting that desire out there to the Universe.

To learn more about Karen and her new book you can connect with her on her website www.karenstruckauthor.com and via email karenstruckrn@gmail.com

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