Ep. 82 The Power of a Gratitude List

Happy #SeekTheJoy Tuesday!

It’s November and Thanksgiving week here in the United States, and the spirit of the season is focused on gratitude - and I don’t know about you, but I’m here for it.

If there’s one daily ritual that guests have stressed time and time again as being a total game changer in bringing more joy into their lives, it’s a gratitude list.

Gratitude is defined as the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.

As someone who still struggles with my inner dialogue, turning to gratitude isn’t always easy. I’ve been spending time lately focusing on what’s going right, the opportunity that’s found in any given challenge, rather than focusing on the negative.

There’s a ton of positive psychology research out there that talks about gratitude, and the role of gratitude, in bringing more joy and happiness into your life. By writing down the people, places, and things that you’re grateful for, or even spending some time thinking about what you’re grateful for, helps you not only feel more positive, but also face different adversities and struggles head on.

Gratitude is a perspective changer and an interrupter.

Taking a moment to appreciate whatever is showing up in your life, whether in the moment or in general, changes your personal vibration. When we focus on gratitude, it can shift our mindset from the negative to the positive. It interrupts our spiraling anxiety and negative self-talk. But, it requires us to hit pause, to stop rushing through life our and day-to-day, get quiet and observe.

I’ve also found that focusing on gratitude allows more for more goodness to come into my life. Has this been your experience too? When we focus on what we already have, and what we’re already grateful for, we’re able to develop a heightened awareness of all that we have, rather than all that we don’t. We have the opportunity to remain in an abundance mindset, rather than a lack mindset - and that, is a game changer too.

I think a gratitude list should be something we look forward to and something we connect with. It’s intimate, and personal to you, and I think it’s important that it doesn’t feel like a chore. It’s all about figuring out a style and a way of sharing and expressing your gratitude that feels fun and fulfilling to you.

In the spirit of the season, I wanted to share with you the gratitude list template I created this year, plus a few tips + tricks of my own for starting to bring more gratitude into your life.


Create a Routine

This year, and this season especially, I’m committed to making gratitude a daily habit. I recommend investing in a journal that you love. Make it personal - decorate the cover, get it embroidered - and then put it in a place so that you’ll see it. Whether that be by your nightstand, on your kitchen counter, or in your work bag. Just seeing your gratitude list or journal will inspire you to pick it up, I promise.

One note about routines - they’re not for everyone. There have been seasons in my life where I have a consistent routine, and then months where I don’t have a routine at all. I’ve found that making a plan to write at a certain time during the day, or on a specific day of the week (for me that’s Sundays!) has been really helpful and powerful. Eventually your routine will likely become habit, and something that you look forward to. And when you no longer look forward to it, stop - and try something new.

Don’t Stress!

Take the pressure off, take the stakes out, and don’t stress. Instead of stressing out if you don’t know what to write or even where to start, pick a comfortable spot and close your eyes. Take three deep breaths, and think about what you’re thankful for (the less distractions, the better!) Start with one thing, and build on it. It’s okay if you can’t think of more than one thing to be grateful for. Start where you are.

Also, on the days when being thankful feels like a “hell no!”, start by writing down this: I’m grateful for my gratitude list. That might sound silly, but it works. It’s about giving yourself the space to think, feel and connect.

Write by Hand

My handwriting has totally taken a nose dive in the last couple of years (it’s not cute . . . at all), but there’s something really powerful and thoughtful about writing this list and journaling by hand. It creates a deeper connection to the sentiment and the gratitude that you’re sharing. Give it a try! I promise the experience won't disappoint.

Here’s the thing though, I don’t always have my journal with me and it’s not practical to always wait until I can pull out my journal to express my gratitude or my thoughts. Another great tip is to create a page in the notes app on your phone and jot down moments and things that spark gratitude and joy for you. That way the list is always with you (because let’s be real, our phones are always with us!) and you can take a look at the list whenever you need a little gratitude and inspiration.

Need a little inspo?

Not sure where to start? I’ve got you! Here are a couple of things on my gratitude list to get the juices flowing.

  • “I’m grateful that I have a roof over my head.”

  • “I’m grateful for fresh fruit at lunch today”

  • “I’m grateful that I was able to eat three meals today.”

  • “I’m grateful for the deep breaths I can take when I’m stressed and overwhelmed.”

  • “I’m grateful for the ability to create and produce work that is impacting others in a positive and kind way.”

My hope with these tips, my template, and this episode is to inspire you to consider the role of gratitude in your life. An attitude of gratitude (as they say!) is linked to better health, less anxiety, and more joy - but the reality is that gratitude can be a tough muscle to build. We all experience stress and worry, overwhelming to-do lists, personal and professional relationships that aren’t always easy to navigate - the list goes on. It can be difficult to find and connect to things that spark those feelings of thankfulness and gratitude.

No matter what’s going on in your life, there’s always something to be grateful for. Gratitude is everywhere, we just have to choose to see it. The more I reflect on gratitude, the more I realize that it’s deeply rooted in trust. And, the more we focus on gratitude - the more it shows up. An abundance mindset creates more abundance (I know, duh).

Gratitude is a gift - and it’s up to us to choose it, even in moments of doubt. I would love to hear what you’re grateful for, what you’re manifesting this season, and the impact spending time in gratitude has had on your life. Join the conversation! On Instagram, Facebook or Twitter.

Wishing you all a happy holidays, and many moments spent in gratitude.

Until next week! xo



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